Do you use a particular brand? Of course you do! An example may be if you order a soda at a restaurant, if they don't have a fer, particular brand you prefer, you may say no thank you, I'll have a water!. You are probably wearing a brand as clothing or driving a brand as a car.. I know plenty of people who will only buy Fords!
We live in a world of brands.. And guess what? You two are brand. It's called "Brand you".. Your brand is what you are personally.. what people say about you when you're not around -negative or positive. You create your brand every day through your actions. You're the head of your own company, CEO, of your very own personal brand, that is completely separate from the company you work for the organization you represent! Your brand is not your company or your product!
A customer, may buy from you because of your company's brands, but they will continue to come back to you because they are loyal to the brand you project. So with all the brands out there and all the competition how do you differentiate your brand? How can you define yourself and be number one in your prospects eyes so they see you as number one? How can you get the brand loyalty of Coke, Pepsi, Microsoft?
Define brand you! What do you want your brand to be? What are your core values and beliefs? What do you stand for? If you can't others- will find it for you! Think about you. If you don't understand you're a brand you will never be able to position yourself for your company as a leader and create your own brand.
So, I want you to forget about where you work, your title or position. What is it about you that makes you unique? Not better than other people, just unique- as you. What do you want to be remembered by? Is there a gap between what you want your brand to be and where it is right now?
Next, create the brand you statement. This acts as a promise to yourself and to your customers. Write a sentence about you that summarizes your core values and beliefs that make you stand out from the competition. Example: I create my own success by learning what I need to learn, then paracticing it until I become prficient at it, then give it back to others! My worth is not defined by the money I make, my joy comes from growing myself and giving to others so they in turn can grow. Your statement has to be authentic and true to you and who you are so you will be able to live it and have others believe it.
-Your statement may clued words like- giving - focused- strong-willed, it doesn't matter what you write as long as you're honest with yourself. Your brand will evolve over time as it takes root and matures. Make it simple, easy to remember and for others to communicate well. Make it relevant and believable to what you do. Your credibility depends on it. Your brand is going to make you different.
Lastly, Build Brand You! How do you build your brand? It starts with your repetition. Do you know what your reputation is, or do you think you know? Does it reflect your personal brand statement? What are people saying about you? You build your repetition by becoming known in your world. This is in addition to your work. Do you interact with people on a daily basis that know your brand? People are always watching. It is our nature to observe others. While we observe others we decide if we like them and if we want to get to know them better based on our perception of their brand.
When you're aware of your brand, you can take action and get yourself noticed. Work different hours to meet different people. Write an Internet blog in your field. Build your network of friends and people who believe in you. People that like you. Find people you like to be around, and when you create this network of supporters they will tell others about you. Word of mouth advertising is powerful!
Pay special attention to people of credibility that could help spread your brand. If you position yourself with credible people you will find your brand growing beyond your reach. You are always brand you. Anything and everything you do associated with brand you is relevant- how you respond to an e-mail, how you treat a server at a restaurant,all this will impact your reputation and your brand.
Everything you choose to do or choose not to do well impact your brand. Stay true to your personal brand based on who you want to be. Not on how much financial gain or power you think will make you happy. Now it is time to start creating the brand-new brand you!
To Our Success,
Julianna Brower
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