Monday, July 26, 2010

Developing a Strong Online Business Brand

Developing a strong business brand is one of the best ways to gain a competitive edge over other online marketers. When working on the internet a key first step is to establish a unique identity that will help you stand out. When you establish a unique online brand people are able to separate you from the 'noise' and better tune into your marketing message. The point of any promotional efforts you put forth is to deliver a message but if it is not heard it is useless. Capturing the attention of others must first be accomplished before any message can be delivered and establishing a unique online brand will do just that.

Here are 7 strategies to help you build and establish your own brand thus allowing you to more effectively deliver your marketing message to people all across the internet.

1. Determine What You Represent
A clear determination of what your business or products represents needs to be made so it can be conveyed to the public. The online platform you use whether it is a blog or website needs to state your objectives or mission statement.

2. Use Visual Support
The use of graphics and/or visuals needs to support not only the content they are placed in but also be consistent with the online brand you are establishing. Of course the way you use these visuals should also be in an appealing and appropriate manner.

3. Use Text to Reinforce Image
As stated above the use of text should be consistent with both your image and any marketing message you want to deliver. Inconsistencies here will only serve to sabotage your branding efforts and confuse the public.

4. Broaden Your Spectrum
On your website or blog or both, offer content that is useful and supportive of your online brand. One note here is to not restrict the scope of information you are supplying but instead offer a broad range of content. As long as whatever you are posting or publishing has some sort of relevance to your business it will serve your following a greater purpose. They will come to know that your site(s) will be a great source of a broad range of information on the subject you have focused on.

5. Support with SEO
Learn to make good use of your search engine optimization efforts by choosing the proper keywords and placing them properly within any content you are using. This is where many online marketers miss out by not taking advantage of the free traffic/exposure search engines can generate. Once again choose your keywords wisely and be sure they support the online brand you are working to develop.

6. A Network Beats Legwork
Branch out into your niche and make contact with other like minded online marketers. By exchanging links everybody benefits by collectively engaging in a commonly mutual effort of generating traffic that can be shared. Don't rule out working on joint business ventures with these people in the future either!

7. Establish a Logo
Choose a simple image that best represents what your objectives are and use it as extensively as you can. By placing this image in your email, newsletters, viral reports or other bits of content, you can continue to reinforce the brand you are creating. After a while this image will come to symbolize your business. 

The purpose of building your own unique business brand is to separate yourself from other online marketers. When working on the internet the last thing you want to do is 'fit in' since this will only drown out any marketing message you are trying to deliver. The 7 strategies reviewed above serve to give you a way to build and establish your own unique online brand. By combining the use of these strategies you will be more easily identified by the very people to whom you are marketing your goods and services. To be effective online you must first be noticed, and once you accomplish that your marketing message will be that much more effective.

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. For more tips about building your business brandand to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques visit:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How to Sell Service Packages

One of the strategies I've been nagging everyone about lately (yes, I do mean nag--with a smile of course!) is to quit focusing on features and start relishing results. So far, so good. But where a lot of Service Professionals pull up short is when they try to describe their packages. All of a sudden, features tumble out like kittens running amok.

Yes, you need to create packages. Yes, those packages will include a list of features (think the "mechanics" of what you do here). But that's not what your clients are buying.

What your clients are buying is a result. So...what result does your Package A deliver? What result does Package B deliver? And Package C?

You see, if you're a coach, your clients don't really care if they get three, 30-minute sessions a month with you, or four, 45-minute sessions.

If you're an organizer, your clients don't care if they get three hours of your time or four. If you're a designer, they don't care if they get eight hours of your time or ten.

What they care about is getting what they want!
The coaching client wants to achieve their goals or make important decisions in their life/business. The organizing client wants to see their floor and desk top for the first time in months. The design client wants a marketing package that grabs attention.

For example, when I designed my HorseWise Brilliance Unbridled V.I.P. program and the Success Circle Coaching Club, I looked carefully at the results each one delivers. Both offer similar strategies but the Success Circle is more of a do-it-yourself program (with an abundance of my mentoring and coaching) while the V.I.P. program delivers a very specific result in a very specific period of time (and a pickup truck load of my time, attention, and expertise).

The difference between these two offers is distinctive enough to warrant an equally distinctive difference in the investment, and that's precisely the point. When your packages clearly offer distinctive results your prospective clients are equally clear as to which one is right for them. Suddenly, their decision becomes easy to make -yeah!

My request for you this week is simple...and profound. I'm asking you to visit your packages with your "results glasses" on. Spell out exactly what is different for your clients as a result of purchasing that package (for the time being, please ignore the mechanics of how you deliver these results). Do this for each of your packages.

I bet you'll easily create a list of results each package delivers, which is step #2. Start writing each result each package will become famous for.

Now, take one more look at your packages. What is distinctively different about one over the other? Think in terms of tiers, meaning that each package builds on the one before it, up to your "platinum" or "V.I.P" offer.

Congratulations! Now that you're clear about the distinction in results between each package, you'll find gaining the attention and interest of new clients tons easier. Really! Oh, and in case you're wondering about those pesky features. Yes, you can talk about them, but ONLY after your client has told you which package they are excited about.

Copyright 2006 - 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Small business expert and author Kendall SummerHawk is the “Horse Whisperer for Business.” Kendall delivers smart, simple ways entrepreneurs can brand, package and price their services to quickly move away from “dollars-for-hours work” and create more money, time, and freedom in their businesses. To learn more about her book, Brilliance Unbridled, and sign up for more FREE tips like these, visit her site at:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Is It Possible For ANY Business To Make Six Figures? This Leading Entrepreneurial Expert Weighs In

As you continue to grow your business to new levels, do you ever find yourself feeling stuck or overwhelmed with all the gurus  out there telling you what you should do? I know that I have been in that place many times—feeling stuck and unsure if what others tell me will really work for my business. I have been fortunate, however, to have met some pretty terrific business women and men who have proven success in their own business as well as continue to provide valuable and generous information to help others. One such generous small business expert is Kendall Summerhawk.

I'm a big fan of Kendall. Why? Simple. She continuously provides valuable content through her coaching circle, calls, blog posts, and products. She just announced that she's hosting a no-cost training call that I know you don't want to miss. It's happening Tuesday, July 6, 2010, at 8pm Eastern.:

Business Growth Secrets:
5 Simple Steps That Will Quickly Propel
You To Break Through and Generate Six Figures
in a Year/Month/Week/Day (You Choose!)...
in Less Time, with Less Effort and Greater Ease,
No Matter Where You Are In Your Business Right Now!

Click on this link now to register for this complimentary call: (or read on for more information)

If you don't know Kendall yet, let me fill you in!

Kendall has coached more women in business to create 6-figures than just about anyone. Her teachings are simple, easy to follow and fast for anyone to implement. Best of all, she "walks her talk," having created her own home-based multimillion dollar business.

As Kendall explains, the secret is not in working harder, which only leaves you exhausted, burned out and frustrated, but to skillfully use Divine Feminine principles with proven marketing strategies. You'll be delighted to find the results are authentic and profitable (what us women in biz want!).

So, join me on this one-time complimentary call with Kendall where you'll discover:
  • 3 sneaky ways you may be unconsciously discounting and undervaluing yourself, and what you can do today to break free of these deadly habits and enjoy the 1ncome you deserve to have (what Kendall recommends may go against what you learned from well-intentioned but poverty conscious people - She'll explain why your playing small doesn't serve anyone)
  • Why you don't need a big list to make your first - or your next - six figures (ladies, this is one time when si.ze does NOT matter!)
  • How to know with certainty if your niche is holding you back, limiting your 1ncome and preventing you from working your magic with greater numbers of people (not to worry - Kendall will share what steps you can take to remedy this quickly and authentically)
  • Secrets for generating thousands of dollars in new 1ncome, practically instantly (and why, if you're not implementing these strategies you're letting tons of mo.ney slip through your fingers every day)
  • The one simple step Kendall took to increase her list by 25% in less than two weeks...and what you can do today to generate your own similar results
  • The hidden advantage every woman possesses that will help you achieve six figures (and why you MUST stop trying to run your business "like a guy" in order to discover this powerful, ancient Divine Feminine secret)
Kendall will be sharing detailed CONTENT in this no-cost training call, so I STRONGLY URGE you to join her, LIVE. Just one tip could make the difference in saving you years of frustration and 1ncome that otherwise, once lost, can never be reclaimed. Don't let that happen to here to register now: 

PS: Feel free to forward this to your friends and colleagues, but know that spots are LIMITED on this call, and Kendall already has over a thousand people signed up, so be sure to reserve your spot first!

PPS: It doesn't matter if you're a new business owner or a seasoned entrepreneur. What Kendall has to share about adding six figures to your business will work for you join us on the call!