Do you want...more?
The women who come to me are at a place in their life and business where they want more. They want more time with their family; they want more time for themselves (imagine that!); they want their business to bring in more income; they want to feel more fulfilled doing what they love, helping to transform the lives of their clients and make the difference they are meant to make.
They have tried marketing their business; they've tried going out and meeting people; they've tried social media; they've created a website and now want people to actually visit it and contact them... sound familiar?
It's overwhelming to think about all those things that you need to do in your business to get it to...well... FLOW.
So, where do you start?
The simplest answer is to... start where you are.
If you're like my clients...
You've been in business for a number of years and you're exceptional at what you do, but no one knows it (meaning, an inconsistent flow of clients)
You like doing things your way and on your own, but you're not getting the results you know are possible
You want to increase your income and you know it's possible, but you're already working as hard as you possibly can and you're not willing to giving up the other things that you enjoy
So then, how do you close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be?
Here is 1 essential tip as well as some key action steps to help you get better results by 'starting where you are'...
ESSENTIAL TIP: Know where you are! Yes, this sounds like a no-brainer, however, I know from my own experiences and from my highly creative coaches and colleagues that our natural tendency is to want to be three steps ahead.
Even for my clients who have been in business for 20+ years, they need to re-evaluate where their business is at. Knowing where you are has nothing to do with how much you know or how many years you've been in business; it has to do with what stage your business is at.
Even for women who have been in business for a number of years, they need to review what they are a stand for in their business, who their clients are, and what uniquely sets them apart, which are all parts of the core phase of branding their business, so they can get better results, faster from their marketing.
'Take Action Today' Step: Write a short list of the primary challenges you're currently having in your business. Be completely honest as you write this list. This is going to help you know where you are right now and help you with the next action step, which is determining what you need, to overcome these challenges and take your business to where you want it to be.
For example, if you write, “my primary challenge is telling potential clients clearly what I do and how I help them,” then your next step is to write down what resources you'll need, what steps you'll need to take, and/or who you'll need to contact to help you learn how to clearly express what you do, so you can start getting more clients and making the difference you're meant to make.
Bonus tip: Be specific. Don't write “my primary challenge is money;” Almost everyone I talk to has a challenge with money in one form or another; whether it relates to how to charge and price their services; whether they're currently making money or not; whether they fear investing in their business because of the 'what if' beliefs that surface... “what if I fail?” “what if I don't get clients?”...
Bonus, bonus tip: Once you have your list of your primary challenges and the resources or people you'll need to move you and your business forward, take action... research those resources and contact those people... explore what's possible for you, so you can take your business to where you want it to be.
When you know where you are and what steps and actions you need to take (and of course take those steps), you'll find you'll quickly get better results.
A big part of what I do is I empower entrepreneurs to unearth their excellence as the leader of their business and take courageous action toward their goals. Because when you know deep within yourself that there's more you're meant to do and more you're meant to help your clients to achieve, you know the only option is to take action.
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Known for her creativity, gentle disposition, enthusiasm, and passion, Lisa Hromada is a Personal Branding Strategist and 'Authentic Marketing' Coach who specializes in empowering women entrepreneurs to manage their time and find the clarity and focus they need to create a thriving business while still having the time and energy to enjoy their life. Find Lisa's FREE gifts and more at: