Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How to Build a Stronger Brand By Understanding Generations

One of the essential elements to building a strong brand for your business is to understand the unique characteristics of your ideal client. In order to truly understand what your ideal clients value and what their concerns are, you must conduct some in-depth research into what they like, what they look for in a brand, how they make buying decisions, and much more. Understanding the different generations, how they think and what concerns them is a great place to start. It can help you find creative ways to communicate with your ideal clients on a personal and emotional level.

When you know the attributes of your ideal clients, you are better able to find them, reach out to them on their level, and provide them with quality services and desirable products.

The following provides you with a start to understanding the different generations:

Generation Baby Boomer
Baby boomers were born approximately between 1946 and 1964. This is a generation of hard workers and they believe that hard work pays off. Baby boomers lived through the women’s rights and civil rights movements, and they were determined to live the “American Dream.” They have a different mentality than generation X and generation Y, which at times frustrates them because baby boomers think differently and have had more years lived and lessons learned. Because baby boomers received much of their identity from praise and most of the praise came from work, it is important for them to be acknowledged for their hard work and where they are today.

Generation X
Generation Xers were born approximately between 1965 and 1978. They saw all of the mistakes that the baby boomers made and they are determined to fix them and not make the same mistakes. They are the generation known as the latchkey kids; they were left home alone to take care of themselves because both of their parents (or their single parent) were forced to work and make money for the family. They contemplate family life wisely and with caution due to growing up in a society of high divorce rates. They desire a healthy balance of work and life.

Generation Y
Generation Yers were born approximately between 1979 and 2001. These are the children of the young baby boomers. This generation behaves much more grown up at their young age than previous generations. They are often thought of as the generation with high self esteem with no experience to back it up. With guidance, this generation has the potential to make a powerful and positive impact on the world. They believe in giving and finding better ways to live one’s life.

As you can see, each generation thinks and values things differently. By understanding how your ideal clients think, feel, and what they value will make a significant difference when it comes to building and developing your brand.

Copyright 2009 Lisa Hromada lhcreativeidstudio.com - All Rights Reserved

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