Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Simple Tips for Marketing Success

The New Year is just about here and I know that you’re itching to get better and quicker results in your business! The absolute best and most effective marketing begins with a strong foundation.

Here are 5 simple tips for marketing success:

1. Don’t make this common mistake
There is one mistake that solopreneurs almost always make. This is the mistake of NOT being clear on what they want to create. In any form of marketing, you need to know first and foremost what you want the outcome to be. What is the specific purpose for your marketing? Grow your list? Enroll clients into a new program?

Get clear first on what you want from your marketing. Only then will you be able to create a strong plan to make it successful.

2. Prepare Your Income Model
What is your practice made up of? Workshops, retreats, group programs, 1-on-1 programs, paid tele-classes...? Determine a few key areas from which you want to create your income and then determine what percentage of your income resonates from those areas.

When you know what you want your business to be made up of, you're able to focus on specific tasks and create your timeline for your offers and marketing. 

3. Get Crystal Clear On What Your Clients Want
When I work with solopreneurs, I find that one of the #1 areas that holds them back from attracting more clients and growing their business is their niche. Coaches, healers, and those who positively impact their clients’ life, simply don’t get clear enough when defining their niche. You need to get clear on what your clients want, what they struggle with and how you help them. The more deeply you can explore who your ideal client is, the easier and more effective your marketing will be.

4. Outline Your Results
Write out ALL the results that you can think of that your clients get from working with you. These results can include personal as well as professional results. How does your work or services impact your clients? Does it help them achieve better health? Financial security? Find and keep more loving relationships? Write down as many results as possible. This will help you get clear on what you offer to clients and how to express what you offer in your marketing messages.
5. Determine Your Marketing Tools
There are many tools to choose from and it can be overwhelming trying to decide which tools to use. Ask yourself (and others): “What is going to be the quickest and most direct method to reaching out to those who can benefit most from my services?” The answer often includes a mix of online and in-person networking. The key is to decide and take action, consistently. Decide on a few marketing tools and schedule out time each day, week or month to implement.

If you would like to use this article on your blog or website, feel free as long as you include the following author information:

Known for her creativity, gentle disposition, enthusiasm, and passion, Lisa Hromada is a leading Personal Branding Strategist and Money, Marketing, & Soul Coach who specializes in empowering women entrepreneurs to find the clarity and focus they need to create a thriving brand while still having the time and energy to enjoy their other priorities. Find Lisa's FREE gifts and more at:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Simple & Creative Tips For Planning A Profitable Year

Women solopreneurs—healers, coaches, consultants, strategists—love the idea of “having a plan,” but they often struggle with where to begin and how to create one.
In planning ALL of the many details of marketing different programs, attending events, having personal time, and so on throughout the year, it can leave your head spinning. The planning process can feel overwhelming and once you have your plan together, you’re often left wondering, “What do I do FIRST?”
As a creative solopreneur—business coach, branding expert, designer, marketing mentor, niche specialist—myself, I’ve learned how to listen to my creative instincts, intuition and use my connection back to Spirit as guidance for my next ‘practical’ steps and use this to design a plan that will ensure I meet my financial, personal and professional goals.
The results of my process has significantly contributed to my going from feeling frustrated with what steps are the RIGHT ones to grow my practice to having the tools, methods, and strategies in place to enroll clients, create top-level programs, and have plenty of time for my other priorities and passions.
Here’s the thing…and you’re going to love this. I like the make things as simple as possible, so when putting my income plan for the year, I don’t use extensive spreadsheets or graphs. I just get clear on what I want to create and calendar out the steps.
Here are a few simple tips you can borrow from my planning process, which is designed to help creative (“I offer a lot!”) people to create a clear, uncomplicated version of an income plan.
Tip #1 Include Both Your ‘Wisdom’ and ‘Acquired Intelligence’ In the Planning Process
Do you want to know the true ‘secret’ to growing your practice? I’ll tell you. It’s using and properly directing your in-born gift in listening to your natural spirit-led ideas, creativity and inspiration, with that of your expertise and continual ‘take-action’ implementation of practical business techniques.
One of the first tips that I recommend is listing all of the things you want to accomplish in the year, determine their time table for planning and implementing them and assign these things to a simple calendar. You’ll quickly see if you’ve already overbooked yourself, even before getting started in the year!
Tip #2 Set Your Income Goal for the Year from BIG to Bite Size
When I work with clients starting their business or re-launching their business with a new area of expertise or for a new niche, we usually look at their overall profit plan for the year and what this plan includes.
We then take it one purposeful, well-planned goal at a time and bite size their steps down, so they know what they’re doing first and next and continually achieving their set goals along the way. No overwhelm. No guessing.
And the process leaves them feeling empowered and in control.
This process would be really helpful for you too as a coach, consultant and healer. Plan your overall profit goals and how you’d like to create that and then bite size the process down and what’s the easiest and most effective for you to begin and then scheduled that out.
Once you have your proposed number (what you want to make in the year), you’re ready to plan the events, activities, joint ventures and programs that will produce those results.
Tip #3 Design Your Plan Around Your OWN Creative Calling (not someone else’s)
Let’s face it, for most women solopreneurs, they’re led by the desire to first and foremost listen to their calling—inner guidance, inspiration, creativity—to make a difference through their work.
And to do this and truly be able to help greater numbers of people and have the joy-filled life they desire and are meant to have, they need to create income. And there’s good news. It’s actually simple to create the income that you desire when you have the right steps and methods in place.
So, what is it that you’re feeling called to do? Is it to help people improve their online presence, find their ideal relationship, lose weight and find the best food for their body type, or is it to empower women to go after what they want?
For example: A little over a year ago, my inner guidance directed me to focus my work on helping women create authentic, confident, financially abundant and spiritually-fulfilling service-centered businesses they desire. Although I did not know HOW exactly this was going to manifest, I listened to this voice of wisdom and I trained with and implemented steps and strategies taught by 6-figure and 7-figure women mentors. And through this journey, I created and filled successful high-level programs that help women in the fields of coaching, consulting, and in the healing arts to quickly attract clients and fill their practice.
Zero in what your life is calling you to create and create your plan. Don’t get yourself sidetracked with what others are doing because it’s not always going to lead you to what you’re uniquely here to do.
Bonus Tip: Keep It SIMPLE and Remember Your Plan is Not Set in Stone
Your plan is a wonderful guide to know what you desire to create first and next and what opportunities that you plan to have during the year. Let your intuition be your guide and ‘course correct’ along the way. And most importantly, enjoy this process!
NOTE: If you’re a woman in the healing arts, a coach, or service-centered consultant/strategist—whether you’re starting new or re-inventing your business for a new niche—and you desire a clear path to greater income and impact in the New Year, I highly recommend getting a jumpstart in one of many Virtual VIP Intensive Training Days. Click here for details and to set up a complimentary 20-minute call to find the right personalized training for you to quickly jumpstart a highly profitable business!

What Is The Breakthrough YOU Are Committed To Making In the New Year?

If you would like to use this article on your blog or website, feel free as long as you include the following author information:

Known for her creativity, gentle disposition, enthusiasm, and passion, Lisa Hromada is a leading Personal Branding Strategist and Money, Marketing, & Soul Coach who specializes in empowering women entrepreneurs to find the clarity and focus they need to create a thriving brand while still having the time and energy to enjoy their other priorities. Find Lisa's FREE gifts and more at:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

3 Simple Steps to Make Your Programs Compelling to Clients

The challenge that many entrepreneurs have is they have a lot to offer their clients—sometimes it seems like too much—and it can feel overwhelming. You want to give your clients everything, but you're just not sure how to offer it.

One of best strategies to organizing your services, so you're not overwhelmed is to create programs and packages.

To make your programs compelling to clients and something they'll invest in, you need to have a practical, easy-to-describe end result your services help your clients achieve.

For example, the unique system that I take clients through is designed to help them create a detailed plan of action to attract their ideal clients, increase how much they make and keep each month, and really to have that passion-filled, authentically led business they desire and that supports their ideal lifestyle.

That’s the CORE of everything I do. It's the catalyst for all of my other spinoff programs and services.

Here is a simple 3 step formula to help you make your programs compelling to clients.

Step #1 Systemizing Your Services

The first point that I want to mention here is that I often see entrepreneurs making the mistake of working on a call to call or service to service basis.

What I want to encourage you to do instead that is going to make your services more valuable and truly irresistible to clients is you want to create programs and packages that are specifically created to last a certain period of time to achieve a specific outcome and have clearly defined steps to achieve this.

You have to remember that “clients are not investing in your time or the amount of time that they spend with you; they are investing in the RESULTS or outcomes that your program or service provides.”

So, imagine that rather than offer a month to month coaching or consulting service that is open-ended, you create a 3-month or 6-month program that includes certain features to help your clients get specific results.

Step #2 Focus on results, goals, and outcomes

You want to focus on what your program or service is going to allow them to do or have upon completion.

One of the #1 mistakes that I see entrepreneurs making, is they feature the structure of their programs, more than what their clients will actually accomplish.

So using my own branding and coaching practice as an example here. Let's assume that I was describing a new program to a client and said, “I've got this new program that I think would be a great fit for you; you're going to get 2 calls a month, worksheets, a half-day training, email access to me, special topic sessions,...” and so on.

Notice how that doesn't give you much information on what you actually get.

What you really want to know is if upon working together, you'll attract more clients and streamline your business where you're making more money without having to be working all of the time like you are now. (btw, the answer is YES)

Step #3 Determine What You're Actually Going to Do with Your Clients

One of the elements of the most successful businesses is that they are KNOWN for something and they have system set in place.

And when you have a system, there are limitless possibilities to creating multiple income streams in your business, without having to spend multiple hours creating new things all over again, and your clients always get guaranteed results from working with you.

So, for example, I'll use a client of mine who is a Business & Success Coach. Her program is a 5-step system for creating a marketing plan that consistently attracts clients, and the thing is that people love is that she has a 5-step system that they will go through, guaranteed to provide them with their desired outcome.

So, what we did was we created the outline for her entire curriculum and explored ALL of the outcomes she provides and wrote those up in ways that she can use as compelling marketing copy and we began packaging her offers using this ONE system and preparing her to market and enroll clients.

So, once you've systemized your services into a curriculum that lead your clients to their desired results, you're ready to move to packaging this curriculum into programs and offers.

Have fun!

Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

If you would like to use this article on your blog or website, feel free as long as you include the following author information:

Known for her creativity, gentle disposition, enthusiasm, and passion, Lisa Hromada is a leading Personal Branding Strategist and Money, Marketing, & Soul Coach who specializes in empowering women entrepreneurs to find the clarity and focus they need to create a thriving brand while still having the time and energy to enjoy their other priorities. Find Lisa's FREE gifts and more at:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

3 Ways to Grow Your Business in 30 Days

Entrepreneurs, like many people, get used to creating income in certain ways. If you want to grow your business to that next level, there are times when you have to be a little more creative, especially for service businesses, like those of the entrepreneurs who I work with.
The key to creating a quick infusion of cash is to understand what motivates people. What I often speak about is how emotion plays a key role in branding and marketing. The goal is to make your ideal audience feel a particular way and inspire them to take action.
People like services that are delivered in one of three different ways. They are either intensive, elite, or offered at a great price.
Knowing there are three different things people like is going to help you choose what to offer your clients to generate quick cash and boost your sales.
#1 Services offered at a great price: We know that everybody loves to buy things on sale; they love knowing they've gotten 'a deal.' One option for you to implement in the next 30 days is to offer a sale. You can offer a one-day, three-day, holiday or special occasion, like a birthday, sale. Be sure to keep your sale period very short, between 3-5 days at the most.
When you’re having a sale, you need to be sure to promote your sale in advance so your clients are prepared to take action on the day your sale starts. Much like you do when you're having a party; you want to send out something like a “save the date!” You need to let people know in advance you're going to be offering a great opportunity and they'll want to keep an eye out for it.
#2 Offer your services in an intensive format: People love speed and will pay very highly for it. Very often people will pay a premium to receive a service or have something done for them in a faster way—especially those motivated to solve their most pressing problems and challenges like your ideal clients. Think about instead of taking six months to learn a new skill, you can learn it in three days.
One of the things you can do is offer VIP services. VIP service is your service offered in a VIP, intensive type of format. For example, this is where you offer your signature service in a very condensed, intensive format over the course of one day. You can easily implement this strategy in the next 30 days.
You may be starting at the lower end and that’s fine. As you get more experience, you’re going to want to increase your fees. The fees and structure of the day will depend on the kind of service you offer. (I can help you with designing the day and the fees.)
What’s great about VIP days is that you can be an entrepreneur starting completely from scratch and use this method to quickly begin creating new revenue in your practice!
#3 Offer an elite, exclusive package, platinum-style of service: Not all of your clients or prospective clients will be willing to step up into platinum, but I guarantee that you have right now in your database, even if it’s small, 10% to 20% of your past or prospective clients who want and will pay for a higher-end service, a premium version of what you do.
The reason is that they want specialized treatment with greater access to you. They want the exclusivity, prestige and intensity.
Platinum-level services are also perfect income-boosters. Typically they are a minimum of two to three times your current fee, and often even more.
They’re also easy and streamlined for you when you design them correctly. You want this level of service to be of the highest good for your clients and easy for both of you to implement and quickly see results.
There are also specific tips and strategies you need to know in order to quickly and easily add a platinum, or premium, level service to your business, how to set the pricing and accept deposits, which is all very simple once you know how.
You can easily sign up one or more platinum clients to your business within the next 30 days, which means you could instantly double or triple your revenue during the next 30 days. That’s an exciting prospect!
These three ways of increasing your income are fast, fun and very simple to do.
Just don’t try to do this all on your own. It’s very difficult to have perspective about ourselves and our business. It’s a lot easier and you will generate more sales if you get the help in these areas. If you do that, you’re very likely to see more cash flowing into your business within the next 30 days!

Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

If you would like to use this article on your blog or website, feel free as long as you include the following author information:

Known for her creativity, gentle disposition, enthusiasm, and passion, Lisa Hromada is a leading Personal Branding Strategist and Money, Marketing, & Soul Coach who specializes in empowering women entrepreneurs to find the clarity and focus they need to create a thriving brand while still having the time and energy to enjoy their other priorities. Find Lisa's FREE gifts and more at:

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

3 Simple Steps to Uncovering the Link Between Your Spiritual Money Path & Your Business Revenue

For most entrepreneurs, generating revenue is seen as just one of those tasks that you have to do, but it isn’t the primary reason most people go into business.

They go into business because they want the freedom to be their own boss. They want to have more flexibility with their time, make a great impact or difference for others, express their creativity or help other people.

A business can’t be a business until it generates revenue, which puts many entrepreneurs into an unconscious struggle between doing good and doing well. If the struggle remains unresolved, the business owner manifests some very common money situations—things like being careless with money.

I know that might sound odd, but a lot of entrepreneurs are careless about money. An example of this is, not knowing how much money they have in their account, bouncing checks, not knowing how much is owed to them or allowing people to owe them money without following up on it. These are just a few ways of being careless with money that I’ve seen.

Another way that the unconscious struggle between doing good and doing well shows up for entrepreneurs is through over-delivering—meaning, they are putting too many services, components or time into packages, particularly packages at the lower end of their service level.

Another way is in undercharging. Undercharging is not charging enough or having fees that are too low, especially when compared to how much value or time is being given. 

I want you to think of this unconscious struggle this way. The more struggle someone feels about money, the more money struggles they’ll experience in their business. 

Of course, if they’re experiencing it in their business, it’s in their life as well. That means that the entrepreneur is not making their potential income. They’re not keeping enough of what they make or what they’re really destined to be able to make.

What can help are three simple steps. 

Step 1 is to get conscious to the specific ways in which you may be giving away your power with money. 

This may be undercharging, not asking for the sale, overspending, creating debt, having carelessness with money in some way, not having accounts balanced, not knowing how much money is in your accounts, flamboyant spending or over-delivering. These are some of the different ways.

You want to get conscious to the specific ways in which you may be giving away your power with money.

This is not the time to be making excuses or saying, “That happened because of such-and-such or so-and-so.” Those are excuses. This is the time to be honest and say, “This is the way in which I have not been standing in my power with money.”

Step 2 is to identify new, simple actions that you can take, starting today. Let me give you an example. 

For under-earning, raise your fees and/or repackage your programs and services more strategically, where you’re not giving away all of your time, especially in your lower-level offers.

Another simple action to take may be to go get a client. A lot of entrepreneurs spend an enormous amount of time and money investing in building certain foundation pieces in their business, such as their website, getting fancy brochures made, and doing different things like that.

The truth is that they just need to go get a client. You don’t need much else except for a clear marketing message and a clearly marketable product or package to get a client. That’s all you need, and you also to be in conversation with perspective clients. (As a Personal Branding Strategist & Money, Marketing and Soul coach, I can help you put into place the essentials that will allow you to go out and confidently and authentically get a client.)

When you’ve gotten conscious to some of the ways you’ve been giving away your power with money, you write down some simple actions you can take. 

Step 3 is an interesting one. It is to discover your Money Archetype.

With a simple assessment that takes just a few minutes, you can discover what your money archetypes are. There are 12 different archetypes in the Money Archetype system. They are the Alchemist, Artist, Maverick, Ruler, Humanitarian, Hero, Innocent, Teacher, Explorer, Romantic, Jester and Nurturer.

Each of these Money Archetypes has its own spiritual money path. For example, the Humanitarian money archetype’s spiritual path is to do good for others and do well for yourself. Many of my clients have the Humanitarian money archetype.

What’s also fascinating is that each of these 12 archetypes has a basic motivator or driver for how you are motivated to engage with money, both in a positive and a negative way. Let me give you an example.

For the Humanitarian, it’s actually about accumulating. They are primarily driven to accumulate. That sounds kind of interesting at first because you think a humanitarian is more about giving than accumulating.

Here’s the thing; there’s both a positive aspect to this and a shadow side. For the Humanitarian, it’s about giving themselves permission to accumulate so that they can then give more generously to others. 

When someone is not fully in their power with money and has the Humanitarian archetype, they may shy away from or avoid accumulating income because they’re so quick to give everything away that they don’t have anything for themselves. 

Another piece of interesting information about your Money Archetype is the shadow side. The shadow side is very specific behavior that you may be engaging in that’s the shadow side of your Money Archetype and really isn’t serving you. It’s important to understand this and pinpoint it so you have an opportunity to transform it through the spiritual money practices.

Spiritual money practices: This is where the healing can happen. Healing your relationship with money occurs from the outside in—meaning very simple, specific actions you take on a daily, weekly or monthly basis can help heal your relationship with money. It also occurs from the inside out.

Inside-out means that the way you think, believe, and are in relationship with money shifts and changes, bringing you into harmony, alignment, or a supportive, connected relationship with money.

Each of these Money Archetypes, in addition to having the core motivator, spiritual money path, shadow side and spiritual money practices, also has freeing money words or different kinds of money words.

When you hear these money words that are connected with your archetype, they’re freeing money words. For the teacher, they’re words like happiness, choice, legacy, talent and spotlight. Words like these are very exciting for someone who is the Teacher money archetype. You hear words like these, and they’re motivating. They help you get into action or stay on track in a positive way.

The key to starting to heal your relationship with money, so you’re moving forward in creating a healthy, generous, loving kind of connection, allowing money to be part of your spiritual path, is to take it one step at a time.

To find out what your Money Archetype is and how your Money Archetypes can specifically help you break free of the unconscious behavior and instead step into your power and role as a leader with money, contact Lisa Hromada at

Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

If you would like to use this article on your blog or website, feel free as long as you include the following author information:

Known for her creativity, gentle disposition, enthusiasm, and passion, Lisa Hromada is a leading Personal Branding Strategist and Money, Marketing, & Soul Coach who specializes in empowering women entrepreneurs to find the clarity and focus they need to create a thriving brand while still having the time and energy to enjoy their other priorities. Find Lisa's FREE gifts and more at:

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Handling Debt with Confidence and Clarity

Featured Article By Kendall Summerhawk
There’s no question about it: if you’re running a business (or thinking of starting your entrepreneurial venture) then debt is likely something that’s on your mind.

Some financial experts (like Suzie Orman for example) will advise that you save a year or more of expenses before starting your business. Now, I’m no financial advisor but if I — and the hundreds of women I’ve coached to be successful in business — followed that strategy, we wouldn’t HAVE any businesses!

Businesses are traditionally started and grown on loans, and your entrepreneurial venture is no exception. And this can be a positive reason to create debt.

Whether you’ve borrowed money from a family member or from your savings accounts or you’ve used your credit cards to fund the startup and growth phases of your business, a growing business needs working capital. When I first started my business I relied on money from the recent sale of my then-house to cover my bills while I learned how to market my services.

While there are many reasons that it can make sense to create debt for your business, for most women, it can stir up feelings of guilt or failure. Beneath the surface that guilt is tied to self-worth and this can chip away at your confidence in making choices about where and when to invest in the growth of your business.

It’s important to remember that debt, like money, is just another mirror of how much you believe in YOU. The main point is not whether or not you have debt, but how you handle it. Here are some of my top tips for handling debt with confidence and clarity:

Tip #1 – Begin By Forgiving Yourself
In almost every case, debt was created for reasons that felt right and necessary to you at the time. Rather than blaming yourself, be honest about what your reasons were, the underlying emotions that were influencing those reasons and what you were trying to achieve with your purchases. And then let it go.

Next, rather than wasting time agonizing over the past, put your focus on taking action and begin reducing the debt. Every time we make choices from this empowered place, we strengthen our heart and spirit to continue taking positive, proactive steps forward.

Tip #2 – Have a Plan for Repayment
Debt has a way of creeping up behind the scenes until one day it suddenly feels like it’s looming over us. If you want to be debt-free with confidence, you need to be willing to look at it with honest eyes.

The best way is to make a repayment plan. Not only will this help you to feel more in control, it puts you in the driver’s seat of your finances overall. From here you can make informed, conscious choices about money and investing in your business because you’re able to see the entire picture.

If you decide to take on new debt, start with a plan for repayment right from the beginning. For example, if you’re borrowing to invest in a training course or in mentoring, I recommend “tithing” the new income you’ll be making and applying a percentage of your new earnings towards paying back the amount borrowed.

Viewed in this way, creating debt is an investment in YOU and in your business. Using this strategy you’ll be able to quickly pay off the amount borrowed, making it a wise and valuable investment that will pay you back in increased income for years to come.

Tip #3 – Don’t Shy Away From Creating Appropriate Debt
This is the time to trust yourself and be willing to keep moving toward your dreams.

Freezing with fear about creating debt is a mindset that will start to seep into other areas of your life and business. Being stuck is not a place from which much gets accomplished, including actions that will bring in money.

You’ll feel more confident in your financial decisions if you’re willing to use your intuition. This is a Divine Feminine gift we all have (women and men) and you simply need to begin tuning in and trusting it to support you in how you grow your business.

Remember that you must invest in yourself and your business if you want to grow!
If you resist, fear, ignore, or go into panic over debt, you’ll find a similar pattern appearing elsewhere in your life. Instead, focus on investing in smart ways to help grow your business. From this new and empowered place with money you’ll quickly find yourself generating the kind of resources and income you’ve dreamed of!

About the Author:

"Would you like to learn more simple ways entrepreneurs can brand, package and price their services to quickly move away from 'dollars-for-hours work' and create more money, time, and freedom in their businesses? Check out my web site,, for articles, resources and to sign up for my audio mini-seminar "7 Simple Steps to Create Your Multiple Streams of In-come "Money and Soul" Business."
Award-winning small business expert Kendall SummerHawk is the Million Dollar Marketing Coach.

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