Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Simple Ways to Use Your Time for Greater Freedom

When talking with women in all stages of business, I notice a common theme in what they want out of their practice – more freedom! They want to feel that they have some sort of control over attaining their vision for their ideal life and business that supports that, without having to feel like they need to be doing something all the time. So, I want to share a few key ways that I've found to be helpful in attaining greater freedom...

1 Master your time
Have you ever said to yourself, “there are just not enough hours in the day.” If so, here is one way you can begin to free up hours in your day and get yourself out of the “people-pleasing” mode that you likely find yourself in. One time-management technique that I have found particularly effective is designating slots of time in the week for certain activities. For example, set aside certain times during the day to return phone calls (unless they are urgent), certain days of the week to meet with potential clients and specific days and times do other essential things on your to-do list.

2 Master what to focus on and when
It's essential to your business growth (and your sanity) to know what is going to be the best use of your time and commit to only those things, events, and meetings that are going to be the most beneficial to you, your business, and your family. Analyze the quality of your invested time and see how when you say yes to one thing, means you need to say no to another, potentially more important thing. If you cut back here and there on some things that you know are lower on your priority list, you'll be much more productive for clients, family, and yourself.

3 Master your moments of stillness
When working on a project, marketing plans, or generating creative ways to solve a client’s problem, it is best to find a quiet place to let your creative thoughts flow. I've found that the best ideas and solutions come when I am able to focus on the flow of thoughts and solutions for my projects. Your quiet place may be a corner of the library, or a room in your home, or perhaps you find that staying "after hours" in your office is a good place to sit and work without the many distractions of the day. It’s amazing how much you can accomplish when you have a few hours just for you. Not only is it productive, but it also gives you a greater sense of energy and accomplishment. 

Imagine that by implementing just one of these key ways can help you get closer to your vision of greater freedom. All it takes are small shifts. ;)

Copyright 2012 Lisa Hromada

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