Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Five Simple Steps to Take Your Business to the Next Level

It’s important when starting out to understand that your business, like everything in life, has its cycles. There are ebbs and flows, periods of great clarity, and periods where you may not feel as confident or together about your direction. These cycles happen no matter what phase of your business you are in.

Whichever phase you’re in, you need a path that you can follow. You need a path that’s easy and allows you see step-by-step how to get where where you want to go. Without having a very clear plan, it’s very easy to stay stuck where you are.

What’s really great about these five steps is that they apply no matter what business you’re in and no matter what phase of your business you are in, you can take yourself through them.

Step 1 is having a clear, well-defined business model and vision of what you want to achieve with your business—both professionally and personally.

For example, your vision may be to build a piece of your business foundation, such as your website and start to build your list and credibility, create your signature speech or talk, and create your core programs and services.

As you go through each phase of your business, your vision is going to get bigger, much more connected to soul and spirit, and really have a sense of mission and purpose to it. I recommend getting coaching on this because your vision is what’s going to pull you forward.

Step 2 in this path is timeline. What I have observed in coaching and mentoring women entrepreneurs is that everything takes the amount of time that they give it.

So, if you give your website task a two-month timeframe, it will take two months and probably a little bit more. If you give a two-week timeframe, you can get it done in two weeks. You can get it done in two days. What I’m suggesting here is that you shorten your timeframes. The shorter your timeframe, the more momentum you’re going to create.

Step 3 is to create your 'what' list...what is needed, not the how-to. You’ve got your vision and timeline. Now it’s time to list what’s needed in order to implement your vision. This is very simple. It’s listing everything that needs to be in place, even if you don’t know how to do it.

Let me give you a quick example. In the start-up phase, your 'what' list may include defining your offers and pricing, regenerating activities, which are ways of meeting prospective clients, learning basic selling skills, and being clear on your niche. Those are examples of what needs to be in place. It’s very simple.

Step 4 is having a priority plan. This is going to keep you out of overwhelm. Many entrepreneurs and business owners get so overwhelmed because there are so many different things that need to be done pretty much all at the same time. So... you need to prioritize.

Let’s go back to the example of creating your website. We already know that you want this on a very short timeframe. You don’t want to invest a lot of time in this kind of project. You don’t need a full-blown, multi-page website either. That costs a lot of money. It takes a lot of time.

You might have a very short, one-page website. Focus a priority first on getting several clients prior to your website so that you have cash flow coming in. Every business needs to have cash flow in order to stay alive, healthy and moving forward. Be very clear about the priority.

Step 5 is about staying accountable. We have your vision. You’ve got your timeline and what list. You’ve prioritized your what list. Now let’s talk about getting into action and staying in action.

Again, like everything, without accountability, it’s very easy to get distracted. We have our iPhones, emails and all of the different responsibilities we have in our lives to distract us.

To help keep yourself accountable and moving forward, ask yourself, “Did I spend my time or invest my time?” “Did I spend it on activities that don’t really have much to show for my efforts, or did I invest my time in activities that are income-producing?”

At the end of the day, if you’re not investing the time and attention in your business, your business isn’t being nurtured. It’s not going to grow.

Investing your time in your business is critical. Again, accountability is how you can make that happen very easily. So, if you struggle to stay on task and get things done, it's crucial to find someone like a coach, mentor, or accountability buddy to help move you forward and someone who will keep you showing up, sticking to your priority list, taking action in as efficient a way as possible, and clearing away any blocks or obstacles, either practical, energetic or emotional ones as well.

Stick to these 5 simple steps and you're guaranteed to see quick results in your business growth!

Copyright 2012

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Known for her creativity, gentle disposition, enthusiasm, and passion, Lisa Hromada is a leading Personal Branding Strategist and Money, Marketing, & Soul Coach who specializes in empowering women entrepreneurs to find the clarity and focus they need to create a thriving brand while still having the time and energy to enjoy their other priorities. Find Lisa's FREE gifts and more at:

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