I meet many networking marketing professionals, many of whom I have gotten to know quite well. One of the primary things that I hear and see is that although they love what they do and the products that they sell, they are not fully taking advantage of their personal brand. I receive questions about how they can stand out online and in-person and attract more clients and team members.
This is definitely within their power to do simply by marketing their authenticity and what makes them distinct from others. I am an 'excellence advocate;' I believe that personal branding is the most powerful tool for attracting what you want in your business/career.
Each affiliate marketer has a different personality, a different way of delivering the information for the products that they sell, and they provide a different brand experience. They may sell the same or similar products, but it is their personal brands that set them apart and inspire others to want to work with and buy from them.
I saw this article this article this morning and thought I would share it.
Firstly, what is this animal called 'Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketers are those guys and gals who sell other companies' products and services to earn commission payments. The Affiliate Marketers market these products/services either with free or paid marketing promotions - such as adverts, email marketing, weblinks - and make their money back from sales. As a result, the Affiliate Marketing Companies don't have to spend much on marketing themselves - as this is taken care of by the Affiliates. Should be a win-win situation, as long as the Affiliates are selling, and earning well from the sales.
What's good about it?
Well, it's easy money, or should be! The products/services have been created, manufactured and/or stocked by other companies, and in some cases, the Internet Marketing promotional content has been prepared for you as well. As an Affiliate Marketer, you simply have to promote these products/services and as long as customers buy them, you'll earn commission. Usually customers buy direct from the Affiliate Companies (with commission being paid automatically to the Affiliate Marketer who referred the customer), so Affiliates don't have to have payment processing facilities or handle any stock.
What are the downfalls?
Affiliate Marketing Companies will usually take on as many Affiliates as they can, often with the view that the more Affiliates promoting their products out there, the better. Problem is the market (on the Internet) can become flooded with lots of people promoting the same products/services over and over, which might reduce the Affiliate Marketers' chances of being individually successful. For example, if you've signed up to quite a few newsletters or free ebooks recently, you may then be accosted with the same email autoresponder messages, from a few different people, all trying to sell you the same products/services (because they've all signed up as Affiliates promoting the same products/services).
Also, often Affiliate Marketers will use the original Affiliate Marketing Companies' template websites/lead capture pages and autoresponder emails, because it's convenient - these are often pre-prepared by professional copywriters and may be available to the Affiliate Marketers for free or as part of the Affiliate membership package. The Affiliate Companies will often claim high conversion rates with the use of their promotional material/content, which further encourages the Affiliates to use these. Unfortunately this means a lot of the same marketing promotional stuff out there, and no Affiliate will stand out as different from the next Affiliate.
So then - how to stand out from the crowd as an Affiliate Marketer?
Personal branding
and offering unique added value is the way to go - if you think about it, your particular personality and skills are really the only things you have that are uniquely different to anyone else on the Internet, so use them to your advantage!
>> Original Post continued at: http://bitURL.net/md
Kathryn Wilson Online MLM/Network and Internet Marketing Mentor, Coach and Trainer; Business Owner and Blogger. My websites are designed specifically to offer information, advice, tips, tools and online business strategies - especially if you're new to, or feeling a little overwhelmed by your online MLM/Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing or Internet Marketing. Subscribe here to receive free, regular Newsletters packed with important step-by-step info for Internet Marketers:http://www.WorkTheMarket.net - my website which offers a complete information and advice service for online marketers.http://KathrynRoseWilson.blogspot.com - my blog offering short, practical articles and training to help Internet Marketers build their online businesses. Connect with me on: FaceBook: Kathryn Rose Wilson Twitter: AztecNetwork |
Recommended Reading for Personal Branding:
Lisa Hromada
Personal Branding Strategist & Graphic Designer
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Certified 360 Reach Analyst
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