Friday, December 31, 2010

What's Your Time Worth? Make the Shift

Ok ladies, it's time to change up the way that we use our time in the New Year.

We all know that the most precious gift we have is time. Time gives us the ability to do what we want and need in our business (so we can make more money), have time to care for our health and wellness, spend more time with our friends, family and kids, and have more time to renew and reenergize ourselves.

What I learned this year is just how important time management my life and my business. It's easy for entrepreneurs, especially women entrepreneurs, to lose focus because we're often doing so many things at once, right? We are constantly multi-tasking and trying to find ways to manage our time, so that we can accomplish everything on our list of things to do.

I want share a new way of looking at your time, so that not only you can focus better to get more done in a shorter amount of time, but also step into a new perspective of what your time is really worth because we often give our time away, don't we? 

I have found through my clients as well as from my own experiences that there are two primary reasons why: 1) our natural inclination is usually to take care of others first (especially for those who are also moms/guardians or even overly-generous entrepreneurs) 2) we easily under-value what our time is worth because we are so used to doing everything ourselves that it is hard to truly see the value of our time. what does this mean? Well, it means that we get more easily overwhelmed and distracted and when this happens, we're not able to use our time in the best ways possible because we are thinking about all the other things that we feel that we need to be doing. Pretty confusing, trust me, I know.

So, here's what I want you to do right now and carry with you into the New Year:

  1. Calculate what your time is worth. This is going to help you shift your thinking, help you set boundaries and understand how you (and others) use your time. Here's how to do it.

    1) Determine how much you want to make this's a New Year and a new start for you, so think about what you WANT to make...think bigger...not just what you made last year. I'm going to give you an example: Let's say that you want to make $100k this year and have 2 weeks vacation per year (at least). This leaves 50 working weeks per year. So, divide 100k by 50 and you get $2,000 per week. Since you work 5 days a week, that is $400 a day. Let's say that you work 5 hours a day (now this is completely focused distractions, so that you're actually getting things done); that's $80/hour that your focused time is worth. Now, this is a modest amount, but you see the point.

    2) Now think about how you're using your time. Is what you're doing worth using up your focused time? For example, after attending a networking event, are you typing in all of the contacts yourself of those who you met? Is that time worth $80/hour?

  2. Set some boundaries and create a new plan for the new year. For each task on your to-do list, determine if you can automate the process, delegate the tasks, or if you should just delete the tasks or parts of the tasks all together. Set boundaries for yourself and determine those things that are really worth your time to do.

It will take some 'work' at first to shift the way you think about your time, set your boundaries (and stick to them), and determine how to free up more of the time you have, but doing so will help you to eliminate the overwhelm that you're feeling and empower you to step into and stay in your power as an entrepreneur, coach, mom, wife, friend, and the heart-centered passionate spirit  you are.

Author: Lisa Hromada is a Personal Branding Strategist and Graphic Designer who works with highly motivated women entrepreneurs/solo-preneurs who want to attract & enroll more clients, generate more revenue, and effectively market their business without overwhelm. Get your 3 free gifts at
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

7 Simple Steps to Marketing Success (Part Two)

Part One of the 7 Simple Steps to Marketing Success:
1. Create Your Vision
2. Uncover Your Personal Brand Influence
3. Prepare Your Business Model

Here are four more steps to marketing success to help you prepare before the New Year!

7 Simple Steps to Marketing Success (Part Two)

4. Get to Know Your 'Model' Client
  Imagine your 'perfect' client. What characteristics and attributes would he/she have? Describe your ideal working relationship. What does that look like? You'll also want to describe their primary obstacles, concerns, fears, dreams, and desires. The more detailed you can get when it comes to who your 'model' client is, the easier and more effective your marketing.

5. Outline Your Results
  Next, write out ALL the results that you can think of that your clients get from working with you. These results can include personal as well as professional results. How does your work positively impact your clients? Does it help them achieve better health? Financial security? Find and keep more loving relationships? Write down as many results as possible. This will help you get clear on what you offer to clients and how to express what you offer in your marketing messages.
6. Determine Your Marketing Tools
   There are many tools to choose from and it can be difficult and overwhelming trying to decide which tools to use. Ask yourself: Is it best to use online tools to reach out to potential clients? Network in person? Call or e-mail people directly? 
  To start determining this, you want to take a look at who your clients are and what they want, like we did in the previous two steps, then you want to brainstorm places where your 'model' clients can be found and then create your plan for reaching out to them. 
  The key is consistency. Decide on a few marketing tools/methods and then schedule out time where you will consistently use these tools each day or every few days a week. This will help to market your business, build your credibility, and inspire people to want to learn more from you and what you have to offer.

7. Create a 'Comfortable Home'
   When you begin implementing marketing tools and methods, you want to make sure that you are including a strategic call to action, such as having people click to your website or blog for more information or to contact you. For this reason, it is essential to have a 'comfortable home' on the web (i.e. website or blog). 
   Your website/blog works to market your business and express your brand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When visitors land on your website, you want them to feel welcome and know they are in the right place! To do this, your website must clearly express your brand, what you offer and to whom, and what action you want people to take when they get there.

Have more simple steps to share for marketing success? Share your comments below. 

For more tips and techniques on how to immediately connect with potential clients and open up conversation and opportunities to enroll them into their programs or purchasing their products, check out December's fr.e.e video training series
"The Breakthrough Technique to Attracting and Enrolling Clients with Ease and Authenticity, so that You Can Generate More Impact in Your Business, Starting Today"

Lisa Hromada is a Personal Branding Strategist and Graphic Designer who works with highly motivated women entrepreneurs/solo-preneurs who want to attract & enroll more clients, generate more revenue, and effectively market their business without overwhelm. For more information, visit

    Monday, December 13, 2010

    7 Simple Steps to Marketing Success (Part One)

    Ahh, can you feel the magic of the holidays just around the corner!? I know I do. For me, it's a time to shop for toys and goodies for family and friends, find fun ways to wrap gifts, and of course enjoy the spirit of sharing time with loved ones and the joy (and craziness :)) that it brings.

    And while I truly love the holiday season, there's also one thing that also lingers in my mind as I talk more and more with my clients and other entrepreneurs I meet...

    This time of year can also bring stress and overwhelm as business tends to slow down for many entrepreneurs and small business owners and with that brings a twinge of unease and worry trying to figure out the best way to prepare (and have time to relax) before the New Year.

    It is for this reason that I wanted to create some tips and techniques that my clients and contacts can use immediately that don't take a ton of time, but are highly effective.

    Below is Part One of "7 Simple Steps to Marketing Success," which gives you some powerful tips on building/enhancing the foundation for your marketing. For detailed marketing techniques you can implement before January 1, 2011, you'll want to check out my fr.e.e video training series available through December.

    7 Simple Steps to Marketing Success (Part One)

    1. Create Your Vision
      I used to be a vision board skeptic. A couple of years ago, I worked with a mentor who encouraged me to create a vision board. Now, being someone who likes to take purposeful action and get results fast, I wondered to myself how creating a vision board would be a good use of my time. 
      Don't get me wrong, I know the importance of having a clear vision in life and in business and it is part of what I coach my brand clients on, but for some reason, there was a disconnect between the creation of a vision board and a greater purpose for it. (And there always has to be a purpose to the steps and strategies that I implement and have my clients implement to get the best results possible in business.)
      This year with the encouragement of a highly successful business coach, I decided to try a vision board. To my surprise, it not only was enjoyable to create, but after creating it and putting it in a place where I can view it each day, I began to see how opportunities were beginning to open up for me to make my vision a reality. It has been the same experience for the highly successful entrepreneurs I know... seems unreal, I know... but it just begins to happen.

    2. Uncover Your Personal Brand Influence
      Everyone has a personal brand influence. Using your unique personal brand influence helps you easily stand out from others at events, gatherings, and just about anywhere you go. It can be your best guide to prioritizing and making decisions, so that you are always in alignment with your brand and the purpose for your business. When you know and express your Personal Brand Influence, you become more of who you are and others are attracted to working, partnering, purchasing from and investing in someone who knows what they stand for and how they make a difference in the world. 
      Begin discovering your personal brand influence by creating a clear, concise statement that immediately resonates with their audience and instantly communicates the value of the who, what, and why of what they do.
    3. Prepare Your Business Model
       What is your business made up of? Workshops, retreats, group programs, 1-on-1 programs, tele-classes...? Determine a few key areas from which you want to create your income and then determine what percentage of your income resonates from those areas. When you know what you want your business to be made up of, you're able to focus on specific tasks and create your timeline for your offers and marketing. 

    In Part Two of the 7 Simple Steps to Marketing Success, I'll share with you 4 more essentials to getting clear and taking action!
    To receive in-detail 5 MUST-HAVE marketing techniques that I coach my clients on to help them immediately connect with potential clients and open up conversation and opportunities to enroll them into their programs or purchasing their products, check out December's fr.e.e video training series: 
    "The Breakthrough Technique to Attracting and Enrolling Clients with Ease and Authenticity, so that You Can Generate More Impact in Your Business, Starting Today"

    Lisa Hromada is a Personal Branding Strategist and Graphic Designer who works with highly motivated women entrepreneurs/solo-preneurs who want to attract & enroll more clients, generate more revenue, and effectively market their business without overwhelm. For more information, visit

      Saturday, December 11, 2010

      Simple & Strategic Breakthrough Techniques You Can Implement BEFORE the New Year

         A few weeks ago, I was on a run thinking about the upcoming New Year–2011 and what I could potentially offer in gratitude to my clients and connections. Each year, I like to give a special gift to those on my Brand Excellence Ezine list as well as to my current and previous clients and network of friends.

         This year I wanted to create something that all of my clients, contacts, and friends can benefit from. Not only did I want to create something that inspires people and opens up possibilities for the New Year, but also that addresses some of the primary concerns and challenges that they are experiencing in their business... AND then help them take immediate action to begin solving those problems!

      So... my gift this year is The Seeds of Possibility Project video series >>

      "Imagine what your business, your life, and the lives of your clients, partners, and colleagues would be like if one person gave one simple gift of gratitude through their work to help open up possibilities for someone else...we can touch the lives of thousands of people within just a couple of days, even hours!"

      Join me for this fr.e.e. (limited time!) video series:

      In this FR.EE video training series, I share:
      1. TWO mistakes you may be making when networking that is holding you back from getting more clients
      2. What your niche MUST HAVE to be profitable 
      3. What to say to attract the interest of eager clients
      4. 5 quick and easy marketing techniques you need to open up conversation and opportunities to enroll potential clients into your programs or purchasing your products

         The Seeds of Possibility Project video training series is only up for a couple of weeks in December, so be sure that you register and begin watching these all-content videos TODAY.


      Lisa Hromada
      Personal Branding Strategist & Graphic Designer

      Thursday, December 9, 2010

      Why Can't I Stay Positive All The Time?!

      Is that little voice in the mind telling you thoughts and beliefs that hold you back from truly moving forward toward the success that you KNOW you're meant to have in your business? It's hindering, isn't it? You're not sure what to believe, who to talk to, how to move forward... and then you start questioning the decisions that you make,... the following article provides an answer to this voice and support in quieting the inner struggle...

      Link to article:
      Why Can't I Stay Positive All The Time?!

      Open Up Possibilities for 2011: Marketing & Client Attraction Techniques
      Fr.e.e Video Series, now through December

      "The Breakthrough Technique to Attracting and Enrolling Clients with Ease and Authenticity, so that You Can Generate More Impact in Your Business, Starting Today."

      Sunday, December 5, 2010

      Seeds of Possibility - Video Three: 5 Must-Have Marketing Techniques

      In video THREE in my (limited time) three part video series, 

      "The Breakthrough Technique to Attracting 
      and Enrolling Clients with Ease and Authenticity, 
      so that You Can Generate More Impact 
      in Your Business, Starting Today”

      I share 5 MUST-HAVE marketing techniques to help you attract the interest of clients and open up conversation and opportunities to enroll them into your programs or purchasing your products...

      So... what techniques are you using?

      Share below

      What is the Seed of Possibility Project? Join in on the Seeds of Possibility project happening now until the New Year don't want to miss out! 

      Seeds of Possibility - Video Two: How Does Your Work Positively Impact Your Clients?

      In video TWO in my (limited time) three part video series, 

      "The Breakthrough Technique to Attracting 
      and Enrolling Clients with Ease and Authenticity, 
      so that You Can Generate More Impact 
      in Your Business, Starting Today”

      we talked about what to say to transform potential clients to paying clients...

      So... how does your work 
      impact your clients?

      Share below

      What is the Seed of Possibility Project? Join in on the Seeds of Possibility project happening now until the New Year don't want to miss out! 

      Seeds of Possibility - Video One: Who is Your Niche Market

      In video ONE in my (limited-time) three part video series, 

      "The Breakthrough Technique to Attracting 
      and Enrolling Clients with Ease and Authenticity, 
      so that You Can Generate More Impact 
      in Your Business, Starting Today”

      we talked about your niche market as well as two common mistakes you may be making when networking...

      So...Who is Your Niche Market?

      Share below

      What is the Seed of Possibility Project? Join in on the Seeds of Possibility project happening now until the New Year don't want to miss out!