Thursday, April 29, 2010

Social Media Marketing Optimization & Online Brand Development

As an Certified Reach Online ID Strategist, I have learned and experienced how important the Web can be for building and maintaining credibility and a strong brand, so when I came upon this post by Lea Charlton, I wanted to share it. 


Internet marketing is not as easy as we would expect it to be, especially when it comes to effective online business branding and working within a budget. In this case, you need to pay attention to every resource and detail of how you are marketing your business on the Internet. The wrong processes waste time and money. Excellent online marketing strategies provides increased online exposure and conversions. Fast branding success is the goal.

How do you accomplish your online branding goals as efficiently as possible?
Social Media Marketing (SMM) has become a popular alternative for online business branding. Companies no longer think of social sites (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn) as "websites for kids". They are valuable Internet marketing and networking resources for business. On the other hand, there are 5 major issues involved with diving into SMM without the proper knowledge and strategies. These can "make" or "break" your success in social media marketing:

Make wise choices from the beginning and move forward with a "plan of action"!
Prior to getting started in social media marketing, you need to nip the urge to join every single social site on Google. It does not hurt to have a presence everywhere on the Internet, though there is no advantage in wasting time setting up a social account that is not used. The site owner may delete it - OR - it will get outdated and look unprofessional. Plus, there is no way that you can "work" them all unless you have a team to help you. You will still want to be discerning and make a plan of action. You need this to properly brand your business through social media marketing. You also need this plan of action in order to position your company correctly from the beginning. This concept holds true in Internet marketing in general.

Meet where they work and play on the Internet!
You need to learn how to set up and position your company with the best social networks and websites. Some initial positioning details to consider: (a) determining which are the "best social sites" for your niche and interests, (b) choosing the right user name for your individual profile links, (c) choosing the most attractive profile information and media to share, (d) developing a knack for filtering activity according to what is appropriate at a particular social site, (e) establishing a time schedule that permits working as many networks as possible, (f) choosing the best initial connections...and so on.

Keep in mind that Account Settings, network protocol, niche and viral marketing all go hand in hand throughout time.

Additionally, some social sites have a more playful environment than others; even those with a professional focus. You need to select websites that not only fit your company's focus, but also the personal interests of the individual(s) that will "work" the social media marketing process for you. Note: Don't let the "playful" networks defer you. One of the goals of social media marketing is to reach your target markets where they work and "play" on the Internet.

Don't just "wing it"; move prepared to market effectively for your business.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Affiliate Marketing - How to Grow With Personal Branding!

I meet many networking marketing professionals, many of whom I have gotten to know quite well. One of the primary things that I hear and see is that although they love what they do and the products that they sell, they are not fully taking advantage of their personal brand. I receive questions about how they can stand out online and in-person and attract more clients and team members. 

This is definitely within their power to do simply by marketing their authenticity and what makes them distinct from others. I am an 'excellence advocate;' I believe that personal branding is the most powerful tool for attracting what you want in your business/career. 

Each affiliate marketer has a different personality, a different way of delivering the information for the products that they sell, and they provide a different brand experience. They may sell the same or similar products, but it is their personal brands that set them apart and inspire others to want to work with and buy from them. 

I saw this article this article this morning and thought I would share it. 


Affiliate Marketing - How to Grow With Personal Branding!

Firstly, what is this animal called 'Affiliate Marketing'?
Affiliate Marketers are those guys and gals who sell other companies' products and services to earn commission payments. The Affiliate Marketers market these products/services either with free or paid marketing promotions - such as adverts, email marketing, weblinks - and make their money back from sales. As a result, the Affiliate Marketing Companies don't have to spend much on marketing themselves - as this is taken care of by the Affiliates. Should be a win-win situation, as long as the Affiliates are selling, and earning well from the sales.

What's good about it?
Well, it's easy money, or should be! The products/services have been created, manufactured and/or stocked by other companies, and in some cases, the Internet Marketing promotional content has been prepared for you as well. As an Affiliate Marketer, you simply have to promote these products/services and as long as customers buy them, you'll earn commission. Usually customers buy direct from the Affiliate Companies (with commission being paid automatically to the Affiliate Marketer who referred the customer), so Affiliates don't have to have payment processing facilities or handle any stock.

What are the downfalls?
Affiliate Marketing Companies will usually take on as many Affiliates as they can, often with the view that the more Affiliates promoting their products out there, the better. Problem is the market (on the Internet) can become flooded with lots of people promoting the same products/services over and over, which might reduce the Affiliate Marketers' chances of being individually successful. For example, if you've signed up to quite a few newsletters or free ebooks recently, you may then be accosted with the same email autoresponder messages, from a few different people, all trying to sell you the same products/services (because they've all signed up as Affiliates promoting the same products/services).

Also, often Affiliate Marketers will use the original Affiliate Marketing Companies' template websites/lead capture pages and autoresponder emails, because it's convenient - these are often pre-prepared by professional copywriters and may be available to the Affiliate Marketers for free or as part of the Affiliate membership package. The Affiliate Companies will often claim high conversion rates with the use of their promotional material/content, which further encourages the Affiliates to use these. Unfortunately this means a lot of the same marketing promotional stuff out there, and no Affiliate will stand out as different from the next Affiliate.

So then - how to stand out from the crowd as an Affiliate Marketer?
Personal branding and offering unique added value is the way to go - if you think about it, your particular personality and skills are really the only things you have that are uniquely different to anyone else on the Internet, so use them to your advantage!

>> Original Post continued at:

Kathryn Wilson Online MLM/Network and Internet Marketing Mentor, Coach and Trainer; Business Owner and Blogger. My websites are designed specifically to offer information, advice, tips, tools and online business strategies - especially if you're new to, or feeling a little overwhelmed by your online MLM/Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing or Internet Marketing. Subscribe here to receive free, regular Newsletters packed with important step-by-step info for Internet Marketers: - my website which offers a complete information and advice service for online marketers. - my blog offering short, practical articles and training to help Internet Marketers build their online businesses.
Connect with me on:
FaceBook: Kathryn Rose Wilson
Twitter: AztecNetwork

Recommended Reading for Personal Branding: 


Lisa Hromada

Personal Branding Strategist & Graphic Designer
Reach Certified Personal Brand Strategist  
Certified Online ID Strategist
Certified 360 Reach Analyst

*creative & authentic brand solutions*
"Empowering Women Leaders and Teams of Professionals to Clarify & Communicate Their Brand Excellence"  

Facebook Fan Page: Unearth Your Brand Excellence

Thursday, April 15, 2010

How to Outsource Graphic Design Work

Unless you have time on your hands and an artistic flair there is likely to be a time when you will wish to consider how to outsource your graphic design work to a professional.

Graphic Design can cover a multitude of things, from logo and banner design to promotional items such as brochures, calendars, and other promotional material that you give away to your customers.

One of the benefits that come with hiring a freelancer to do your graphic design is that they use cutting-edge technology to ensure maximum results. Before you rush out and hire a graphic designer, it is important that you understand "how to outsource" successfully.

There are two very important stages that you have to consider if you want the project to be a success.
  1. Project Planning
  2. Project Management

Project Planning

A successful project always begins with a comprehensive project planning exercise. This is where you identify exactly what you want the graphic designer to achieve.

Imagine for example that you are going to attend a trade fair and you want to hand out promotional brochures. What size should they be? How many pages? What colour scheme? What written content? What photos etc. You then need to consider when you want to take delivery of the items; in the case of your trade fair you want to be certain they will be ready in plenty of time, these are the areas where you need help learning how to outsource graphic design properly.

Another important part of project planning is risk management. What happens if something goes wrong? A risk management plan should always be built into your timeline. You should also know how you will track the progress of your project. Do you want your chosen Graphic Designer to bring you proofs, and if so when?

If you have considered all of these aspects, you should now have a clearly defined road map and more of an understanding about how to outsource the project successfully. We will now move onto the next stage, project management.

Project Management

Project management is vital when you are thinking about how to outsource a role. Project management is the art of managing your resources. To be a successful project manager you need to be a really good communicator. Patience is a virtue and by taking the time to explain your requirements clearly you will have a good working relationship with your outsource provider(s).

One of the key factors you will find out when learning how to outsource is, when you are hiring a freelancer, remember that they are not telepathic; they cannot read your mind. Be prepared for the fact that your provider may interpret your instructions in a different manner to what you expected, in these circumstances, offer constructive criticism. Take the time to make sure our provider understands exactly what you want and why.

Providing you have mastered the golden rules of project planning, project management and good communication, you are well on the way to successful outsourcing of your Graphic Arts and Design projects!

Steven Brough is a Technical Designer and a Project Manager from New Zealand. You can read more about Outsourcing Services for Graphic Design and other outsourcing services at Steven's website

Friday, April 9, 2010

Convince with Simple Fonts

I am a lover of fonts. They can express the personality of your brand in creative ways. However, depending on the application, you'll want to consider simpler fonts for easy readability. Often entrepreneurs and solopreneurs want to use creative, unique fonts on their website (or even in their printed communications) to express their creativity or to try to make their pieces distinct from others. Research shows, however, that simple fonts are more likely to get readers to make a commitment.

"Do you need to convince a customer to complete an application form? Or, for a non-profit, do you need volunteers for a charity event? In both cases, you will be more successful if you describe the task in a simple, easy to read typeface."
"The results were astounding – the subjects who read the same instructions in the hard to read font estimated that the regimen would take nearly twice as long, 15.1 minutes vs. 8.2 minutes."
Convince with Simple Fonts

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Build Your Brand Online with a Video

If you use video, or plan to use video to market yourself online, you may not want to miss today's (April 8, 2010) interview with Catherine Fennell of VideoBIO. William Arruda, Founder of Reach Personal Branding, will be interviewing Catherine about how to improve search engine rankings with video, increase your visibility online, connect with your ideal audience, and take charge of your messaging for optimal personal branding results.

Build Your Brand Online with a Video Profile
— With more than 29 million online video clips on the Internet, video is quickly becoming the must-have app for personal branding differentiation. Whether you are in a job search mode or looking to promote your small business, videos have preferred...
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Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Personal Brand, Corporate Brand, and Successful Network Marketing Leader

Although it sounds counterintuitive, the best way to build your corporate brand is to help your employees build their personal brands.” 
~ William Arruda, Personal Branding Guru and Founder of Reach Personal Branding 

This point also holds true for network marketing leaders, their teams, and the organizations that they represent. The best way to build the corporate brand as a network marketing leader is to help your team build their personal brands.

Many of the network marketing professionals whom I meet desire more success and fulfillment as representatives of products and services that they are passionate about. The forward-thinking network marketing leaders are those who understand that building a strong personal brand and the personal brands of each member of their team is essential to standing out from competitors and peers as well as understanding the role that they play as representatives for the corporate brand.

Why is it important for network marketing leaders to understand personal branding?

Key benefits include: 

  • You make memorable connections that inspire desired action. When you can unearth what makes you exceptional and use it each day in every communication that you have with others, both personal and professional, you are building the corporate brand in ways that are authentic to you, while making personal and emotional connections with potential clients in ways that inspire them to purchase your products or join your team.

  • You are able to be the leader that you desire to be. For networking marketing leaders with teams, when you know your personal brand and encourage each member of your team to unearth their unique promise of value (their personal brand), you inspire them to move forward with confidence and understand how to use their strengths and unique characteristics in innovative ways to achieve greater profits for themselves as well as the team and organization.

  • You discover how to leverage what makes your team distinct. When you know the personal brands of those on your team, you know who best to direct potential clients to when they desire specific information or customer service to meet their needs. Not only are you building the confidence of your team, but also the earning potential, which ultimately makes you more profitable and successful as the network marketing leader for your organization.

All of these key benefits contribute to building the corporate brand, and as I often see, when the corporate brand does better, you have more opportunities to leverage their success through your personal brand.

Providing excellent examples of innovation himself through Reach Personal Branding, William Arruda emphasizes the importance of being innovative in business and how each member plays a part in contributing to innovation. “Today, to be successful, companies need to innovate. If you’re not innovating, you’re a commodity and commodities compete on price.” To hear more about leadership, authenticity and the personal brand, I invite you to listen to this video featuring Willam Arruda.

For more information on personal branding for network marketing leaders and teams, visit

Lisa Hromada is a leading Personal Branding Strategist and Graphic Designer for women leaders and teams of professionals. To begin building your personal brand, team brand, graphic design expression, or your online ID, visit

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Personal Branding For Women Leaders

Branding and personal branding are hot topics in business and personal development now. Why all the buzz? Businesses and people with the strongest brands are the most successful and make the most money. You may think it is odd that a person would have a brand. A brand is more than a logo. In the case of a personal brand, your brand is a sum of your behaviors, attitudes, actions and personal style. It's what you are known for and makes up your reputation and image.

It's the same for business, except businesses use logos, websites and marketing materials to represent those qualities. To be noticed and be a successful leader, you should be able to define your personal brand. Your personal brand is a combination of who you are and what you stand for.

Wildly successful, Oprah clearly knows who she is and what she stands for - empowering women. Her personality, vision for and commitment to women has contributed to her phenomenal success.

Who do you admire? What are her personal qualities? What contributes to her success?
You can strengthen your presence, your leadership, your results by focusing on and identifying your personal strengths and talents (who you are) and what difference you want to make and what results you want to create (what you stand for.)

You'll know you have a strong personal brand when you show up and people say about you:

  • I need to meet her
  • She is someone I need to know
  • Or other people will say, "You need to know her" about you.

Other ways you'll know you have a strong personal brand are that you are top-of-mind for special projects, promotions, big opportunities, new clients. People trust you because they know who you are and what you stand for.

Women don't always take time to focus on who they are. We try to be everything to everybody in order to avoid conflict, be helpful, keep the relationships. This comes from that outdated superwoman myth. Time to abolish that notion!

Top leaders know what to say yes to and when to say no, which I find is a skill women often need to learn. You strengthen your personal brand and leadership style when you understand when to say yes and when to say no.

I firmly believe that women can be leaders in restoring the economy by focusing on who they are and what they do best. It's a great time to identify your personal brand of leadership.

To get started on your personal brand:

  1. List three to five areas where you really shine. Identify situations where you felt the most satisfied. One of my personal examples is a team sales pitch I led for a former employer that resulted in winning a large account with a Fortune 500 company. The skills and talents I used to lead that process are part of my personal brand.
  2. Purchase the book, "Now, Discover Your Strengths" by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton. It comes with a code for an online assessment that will identify your top five talents. The book offers suggestions for each talent identified.

To know what you stand for, take some time to think about:

  1. What do I want to create? What results? What relationships?
  2. Where are my passions? What difference do I want to make?
Mother Teresa stood for ending poverty and hunger. Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop, stood for helping tribes in indigenous cultures create micro-economies. Women like Mary Kay Ash and Estee Lauder had a unique vision and used their talents to innovate both cosmetics and a business model that supports women.

Your personal brand is already within you. When you are clear on who you are and what you offer, you can be unstoppable. Defining your personal brand will enhance your reputation, build your confidence and empower you as a leader.

© 2009 Kathy Garland, all rights reserved.

Kathy Garland, is a transformational leader who works with women leaders on their brands, client acquisition and creating focus for the future and frequently writes and speaks on these topics. She resides in McKinney, Texas and works with clients on branding and client acquisition across the U. S. and Canada.