Sunday, January 30, 2011

Top 3 Things that Stop Women Entrepreneurs From Having Thriving Businesses

“I don't have enough time to accomplish everything.” “I'm often tired, yet I feel like there are things that I should be doing in my business.” “I want more clients, but I don't know how to go about getting them.” “I'm really just stuck and unsure what I need to focus on in my business to start getting results.” “I'm ready to do what it takes to take my business to the next level, but I'm afraid that I won't have time to enjoy the other things in life.”

Have you ever had these thoughts? Do you wonder how you can manage your time better, focus in and get clear on what you need to do to start seeing the results you want for your business?

I've certainly been there and sometimes still have these thoughts as I push myself farther with mentors and the women entrepreneurs who I mastermind with. As you push to new and exciting levels in your business, you will undoubtedly have times when you feel stuck, overwhelmed, and even doubt your ability to have the success that you desire. Yet, it does not have to be this way.

There are three primary desires that I hear all of the time from my clients and women entrepreneurs and solopreneurs who I meet:

  1. They want to learn how to effectively market their business in a clear, focused, and results-oriented way
  2. They want easy-to-implement methods to creating the next level of their business success, without getting overwhelmed
  3. They want to learn how to manage their time so that they still have the time and energy to truly enjoy their life—family/friends, self-care, traveling, and so on

If you want a thriving practice that doesn't take all of your energy and time, you need to learn how to focus in on what's going to be most effective for your business success.

I've created systems to help my clients gain clarity and focus, so that they can effectively market their business, enjoy the ease of enrolling more clients, and make the kind of money that allows them to live their ideal lifestyle and have plenty of 'down time' to spend how ever they choose.

To help get you started, I have some special free gifts for you.

If you go to you can download your FREE set of gifts from my Trailblazer Entrepreneur Success Kit; the set is actually 3 great gifts in one.

  1. Free Report: “7 Must-Know Secrets to Getting More Done, Attaining Faster Results, and Having a Thriving Business.” In it, you'll learn proven strategies that you can implement right away.
  2. 3-Part Video Series: “3 Simple Steps to Immediately Attract the Attention of Eager New Clients” where I coach you step-by-step through one of the exercises that I take my clients through, to peek the interest of clients and enroll them into their programs and services.
  3. Free Subscription: “Brand Excellence” E-zine. Filled with tips, information, ideas, and helpful resources, to help you continue to grow your business.

That's $150 in GIFTS, PLUS extra bonuses when you sign up!

So, get ready for results because by understanding these secrets and implementing them, there's no way that you won't start seeing positive results in your business.


Lisa Hromada
Personal Branding Strategist
"Learn How To Easily Get More Clients, Market Yourself Without The Overwhelm, Create a Thriving & Profitable Business... and Still Have the Time & Energy to Enjoy Your Life”

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Time Management: Keep Your Eye on the Prize

One of the primary things that cause entrepreneurs to stress the most is 'not having enough time.' Easy to understand, right? We, as entrepreneurs, are ambitious, driven, passionate, and we tend to do multiple things at once (or at least try)... so we often find ourselves stretched to full capacity on a daily basis, stressed, tired, overwhelmed, and unable to be our 'normal' selves for our family.

As we begin this New Year, it's a great time to determine what our priorities truly are, what changes we may need to make so that we can focus, and then create our plan of action.

So, if you're at the point of being at your full capacity, take a deep's time to re-group, prioritize, and plan. The following article popped up in my box this morning from that I thought would be perfect to share.

"Follow these five P's of Productivity to get more accomplished in less time. 
There are countless approaches to time management. Any bookstore or online retailer lists hundreds of titles in its library, and new ones are published daily. With all this information easily accessible, why are people still racing against the clock and struggling to manage their lives? Keep reading to better understand this problem and learn how to deal with it successfully.

The concept of time management seems simple enough: Allocate 24 hours to the care of and completion of needs, tasks, projects, responsibilities, priorities and everything else. It might be that straightforward if we all lived in vacuums. But life, for most people, is infinitely more colorful and intricate. It's part of being human.

Instead of trying to monitor the minutes and control every factor, I propose a new approach where people focus on the end result and their productivity levels. The goal is to examine life as a whole and consider time from a broader perspective as it relates to how you live your life or your lifestyle.

Below is an example of how to incorporate the "5 P's of Productivity" in your life:"

*Lisa Hromada, Personal Branding Strategist