Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Are You Confused With What Your Brand Is As a Service-Based Professional?

Branding is an ultra-hot topic these days and has been for a long time, yet there is still a lot of confusion about what a brand really is. In a recent conversation about branding, I expressed that the easiest and most concise way that I can define it is to say, “A brand is a unique promise of value.”

Let's take a look at this definition, “A brand is a unique promise of value.”

'Value' is defined as the relative assigned worth or importance of something and this can relate to monetary or material worth. So, when we say that a brand is a unique promise of value, we are saying that a brand is a promise of quality; it has an assigned, perceived worth worth and importance. This is one reason why strong, well-known brands can charge a premium for their products and services—their perceived worth is higher than other products and services.

Branding goes back thousands of years. Ranchers branded their cattle and potters branded their pottery and porcelain. As the concept of branding evolved throughout history, people began to associate branded items with certain characteristics and levels of quality, value, security, and honesty.

Today, brands continue to play a fundamental role in expressing these same qualities and much more. And as a entrepreneur, you have a personal brand. You have your own unique promise of value that you provide to clients and contacts.

One reason why branding can be so confusing, especially for service-based professionals, is because you're not always branding tangible products, you're creating your brand around your unique promise of value through the services that you provide and the results your clients receive from those services, so essentially, you represent the product.

What you are doing when you express your personal brand, is you are communicating a particular message to the public so they develop a positive perception of you and your business. Your brand is what gives your business value and credibility in the eyes of the public.

So, what makes up your personal brand? There are many elements that contribute to how you're known as a brand. Below are some key contributors that help define you as a brand:

  1. the characteristics, personality, and qualities you bring to your work
  2. how you communicate the purpose and vision for your business
  3. who you're known to serve through your work (your niche)
  4. how you package and provide your services
  5. the quality results you're known to provide through your work
  6. the visual representation of your business, such as your logo and the colors that you use, so that when people see your logo, they instantly think of you and the quality of service you provide (graphic design)

Everything about you contributes to making up your personal brand and how you're known by and make a connection with your special tribe of clients. 

As a service-based professional, what is your unique promise of value? What do you promise your clients will get when they work with you?

Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

To learn more about branding your service-based business and start getting better results through your marketing, visit: 

If you would like to use this article on your blog or website, feel free as long as you include the following author information:

Known for her creativity, gentle disposition, enthusiasm, and passion, Lisa Hromada is a leading Personal Branding Strategist and Authentic Marketing Coach who specializes in empowering women entrepreneurs to find the clarity and focus they need to create a thriving brand while still having the time and energy to enjoy their other priorities. Find Lisa's FREE gifts and more at:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

3 Keys to Ensuring You Have a Strong Niche

You may have heard this many times before and from my years in brand development for companies as well as with entrepreneurs, it consistently rings true: The more narrowly defined your niche, the more profitable your business.

Many women entrepreneurs have a difficult time narrowing their niche because they know that their service can help anyone—what they do transforms lives in one way or another, so anyone can benefit. Additionally, by narrowing their niche, they may feel that they'll be leaving people out, thus they are not helping them or they may feel that they are 'losing out' on bringing in income if they only work with a certain group of people. Anything sound familiar here?

It's certainly familiar for me because I went through the same thing. When I started out my business, I worked with many groups of people from many industries and as I became clearer and clearer on my vision for my business and the purpose for my work, I was able to focus in on those people who I knew would best benefit from my work and who I truly enjoy working with. This clarity has allowed me to strengthen my brand as well as strengthen the connection I have with those who I serve.

The following is 3 keys to help you ensure you have a strong niche:

KEY #1: Get clear on your BIG VISION for your clients: your big vision can manifest as a product, program or service where people instantly understand the essence of what you offer and why they need it right now.

As an example, my big vision for one of my signature programs is that once women get really clear on who they are as a brand, who they're here to serve (niche), and create their unique system of steps that set them apart from everyone else in their industry, they can easily craft their marketing copy so it's authentic and highly effective. And what this means for them is the ability to begin creating the business they desire that feels good and allows them to have time for their other priorities. This is something I'm a big believer in having and I know that this is important for my clients as well.

So, you'll want to think about what your BIG vision is for your clients and how is that going to manifest.

KEY #2: Have the right systems in place for identifying potential clients: You want to know the types of qualities, characteristics, and personality, you're looking for in your potential clients, so that you know they are going to get the greatest benefits and results from what you offer and you know that there will be a synergy in working together as well.

I know that for my clients, they are highly motivated women who have a big vision for their business—they want to help people while bringing in a healthy income—and they are feeling stuck with how to brand and market themselves in ways where they're not having to work all of the time.

What I've also found is that the most successful women entrepreneurs I've worked with are those who are totally open to do what's needed to get results in their business and they simply want to make sure that they're taking the right steps, so they're not wasting their time and money spinning their wheels or investing in things that they don't really need right now in their business.

KEY #3: You want to get really clear on WHY these people need to hire you. And this is going to be much more than just the service you provide; it's going to also be about the way in which you deliver that service. Those in your niche market have needs and desires that they want immediate help with addressed. The way in which you help them is unique to you, leaving no competition with others in your industry. (for more about getting clear on your niche, check out this article.)

Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Learn how to create your uniquely branded signature system and connect with your most profitable and fulfilling niche. 

If you would like to use this article on your blog or website, feel free as long as you include the following author information: 
Known for her creativity, gentle disposition, enthusiasm, and passion, Lisa Hromada is a leading Personal Branding Strategist and Authentic Marketing Coach who specializes in empowering women entrepreneurs to find the clarity and focus they need to create a thriving brand while still having the time and energy to enjoy their other priorities. Find Lisa's FREE gifts and more at: